Golf Tips and Golf News

News, Views and Reviews about the sport of Golf.

Anybody who plays golf knows pin-point accuracy is the key element of the sport; you can have either range or direction without the other, or you'll never play at your best. What's more, even if you can hit the fall as far as you need, the first hurdle is figuring out how far you need to hit it! When we see the pros play on TV, they all have a very helpful piece of equipment to aid them - called a caddie! Not all of us can afford caddies, however, and this is where rangefinders come into game.

No matter where you are on the course, a rangefinder will provide you with an extremely accurate indication (1 yard accuracy within 1500) of your distance from your target. It does this by projecting a laser to the target and measuring how long is takes the laser to return, making it much faster than a GPS unit. Some more expensive models even come with integrated slope measuring technology, to further help you plan your shots. At approximately the same size as a the various pockets is your golf clothes, they don't even hamper you when strolling around the course.

However, every good golfer will ask himself (or herself) - "Is this really something I want to get used to? Wouldn't I be better off learning to judge distances for myself? Isn't this part of what makes a great golfer?"

The choice is yours!

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